Sometimes Bright says things that end up being SO funny just because she's little and naive. But lately, she's saying funny things on purpose.
Example of a funny thing she said on accident: Yesterday we were at the zoo and there was a big leopard or something. But I didn't know what it was yet, so I said, "Oh Bright look at that big guy!" Well, there just happened to be a rather "large in stature" man also looking at the leopard and Brighton looked at him and back to me and said in a quiet voice, "Mooomy- He's not a zoo animal!" I about DIED!
Example of funny thing she said on purpose: We were at the grocery store and a lady asked me if I knew where to find spaghetti and spaghetti sauce. I told her on Aisle 7 and she said thank you and Brighton looked at her, saluted and said "At your service!" I cracked up and the lady just looked at her and walked away. It was dang funny.