Why does it seem more taboo to talk about it if it is the man's "fault". (not blaming you sweetie... ) I know that Aaron wears pink shirts and cares more about a beautiful sunset than he does about March Madness. True he likes snuggling and long walks on the beach but our Dr. has reassured us that his metro-ways are in no way related to his swimmers. (Ouch, did I just hear a shriek of disbelief coming from Arizona?) I know, it's totally inappropriate to talk about my husband's low sperm count on my blog. There. I just said it. Low. Sperm. Count. To be honest, I was flat-out relieved when I found out it was him and not me. I'm sure 20 years down the road all of Bright's crazy antics will easily be pointed in my direction, so it's nice to have some of the pressure off.
But to be serious for a sec, it seriously is a bummer. I picture all my little eggs in my little ovary basket... getting older... shriveling. And on the wall next to their nest is one of those really sterile-looking clocks that they had in your high school... just ticking away... You're 29... now you're 30... soon you'll be 40.... The eggs I have left now have at least 12 fingers or two heads. Besides the fact that my next child will probably look like an alien, everyone talks about how much harder it is to have babies in your 30's. True, I won't have much to compare it to, but let's get this show on the road, folks! I've always wanted kids close together too... (mostly so they could entertain eachother and I wouldn't be stuck playing "Dora".) I wanted three or four kids all close together in age. Now we're looking at having two kids at LEAST three years apart.
I think the Big Guy upstairs really knows what he's doing though. He probably reads my blog and sees how incompetent I am and knows that I'll do better with a few years in between the kidlets. I understand. Right now it's just a test of patience! OK Could I BE any more inappropriate? But hey, seriously 10 people even read this blog and they're all close family and friends and it's the only journal I keep and this "infertility" thing occupies a good 75% of my thoughts and it feels good to vent and laugh about it at the same time!!! So send me fertility vibes everyone!!!