Thursday, July 17, 2014

First Golden Summer of Many to Come!

I love summer. And I love THIS summer. Really, when you think about it, I think this is the first of many golden summers yet to come. Last year Piper was barely 1 and hard to take anywhere and Deacon was 3 and still a "runner." The year before Pip was a newborn and Deacon was a major runner. The year before that Deacon was 1, the year before that he was a newborn, the year before that was In Vitro... the year before that Brighton was 2 and that was pretty do-able but I didn't really have any friends... and the year before that Brighton was 1.
 But THIS year things are GOOD! The week after school got out I was really itching for an adventure, so my friend Jessica and I took the kids to the greenbelt in Eagle and it was sooo nice and relaxing and summery.

I think Piper was giving me a blurry thumbs up.

Since then we've done Roaring Springs, Lucky Peak Sandy Beach twice, a trip to Island Park/Yellowstone with our friends the Stimpsons, several days in Idaho Falls while my car got fixed. (I ran over a scrap of metal on the highway and punctured my gas tank.) Lava hot springs where the kids did the water slide! Swim lessons and our neighborhood pool almost every single day! (Those were not in chronological order.) My kids are brown from the sun, my house is a mess, the only groceries in my fridge is fruit from the summer fruit stand and I have piles of laundry a mile high but I'm happy. :)

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