Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm Full of Vitamins and Minerals!

There is really nothing intersting going on in the Flake's world but I don't want to neglect my blog. So because my work laptop crashed, I'll spend some time writing about nothing, AKA Commercials that FREAK Me Out.

I really do not care for commercials that "alter" the human face, or turn the human head into something it was never meant to be. Clear back in high school I always cringed at the Afrin Commercial where the head turns into a giant nose. Think of the giant boogers!! Then recently I noticed another commercial that freaked me out where the human head turned into a giant stuffed Tedd Bear Head. Turns out, Afrin was re-creating the altered human head campaign (much to my chagrin.) EW. Just EW.

I don't like Star Trek or Planet of the Apes or any of those movies due to the altering of the face issue. Sure, the Apes are not supposed to be human but deep down I know it's Marky Mark.

However, I DO like it when they make that baby talk. I know that goes against everything I believe in, but when that little baby trades stocks and talks on the cell phone it's stinkin' halarious! I love the clown one.

On that same note, clowns to NOT freak me out. And yes, I've seen "IT". I always kinda thought that girls saying that clowns scared them was really just a pitiful attempt at making the man feel big and strong. Personally, I think most "fears" that silly girls have are just to make the guy put their arm around them and "protect" them. Except my fear of trains. That one is very real.

I lose a little bit of sleep over the Burger King ad. I think it's the fact that the giant King guy doesn't talk that gives me the heebie jeebies. He just stands there... kinda like the creepy guy in the raincoat on the movie, "I know what you did last summer". If you want to creep someone out, I am of the belief that you can just walk up to them and not talk.

The best commercial ever (except for the fact that I can't remember what it was advertising) involved a little orange cartoon guy who jumps off the Orange Juice bottle to say Hello to the unsuspecting family eating breakfast and they all FREAK OUT. Remember that? Then he chases the screaming family yelling "I'm full of vitamins and minerals!" I'll have to see if I can find it. HERE IT IS!!

And there you have it, the most useless and random blog post yet! Happy Wednesday!


Jay and Camille said...

OH I miss you Brooke! I was telling some girls about my twin the other night. How we had to go to public appearances together to prove we were two people. How Ricky made me cut my hair so I wouldn't look so much like you anymore. We should go get some Thai food sometime!

Anonymous said...

Given that Marky Mark played a human in Planet of the Apes, with no make-up hiding his features I'm sure most people knew it was him. :)

Melissa said...

Ok, this is one of my favorite blog posts of all time! I love the randomness! I also HATE the ads that turn the person's head into a movie theater...I can't remember what it is for, but it is terrible and always makes me wince. Luckily I Tivo most everything so I don't see the commercials too much! Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!

Rochelle said...

I am laughing so hard! Too funny. Hate that dang nose! And I agree Marky Mark does look like an ape! ha ha (hated that movie) Seriously this was so funny. Thanks for sharing. Hope we can hook up in oer Christmas. I will be in touch! Seriously miss you!

Anonymous said...

That Sprite Commercial truly is my favorite commercial of all time!

JECKBECK (Erin) said...

I just saw this commercial for the first time (the one with the teddy bear head). Right when I saw it, I thought, "This seems so familiar" then I remembered your post. You are right, it is freakish.