Isn't 40 reserved for old ladies who knit sweaters for their cats? I don't feel 40. Oh wait, I'm always tired, my knees hurt and all I want to do after 8 pm is lay in bed and watch 20/20. I guess I do feel 40. Some days I feel 80.
I had a great birthday though! My birthday was on a Monday so Friday night I got a hotel downtown and had a little Staycation with Heather, Jamie and Abby. We went to Barbacoa for dinner and then walked around a bit downtown. It was fun to get away.
Then on my actual birthday I went skydiving!
Since Aaron is 40 this year too we both went to celebrate the new decade. We took the kids with us to watch and brought Cannon and Haleigh to help watch the kids while we were jumping.
You know how people make the joke, "Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" Well, anyone who has ever said that hasn't seen the airplane we went up in! Holy smokes that was the most terrifying part. The thing was TINY. It was only Aaron and I and our two jump partners, plus the pilot and I didn't think the five of us would fit in there. We were crammed in there with no seat belts and the pilot may have been drunk. Ok not really but on the way up he decided to do a flip mid-air and I about barfed. I was seriously ready to jump out of the airplane. It was SO amazing. The only problem was I didn't pop my ears and they hurt pretty bad for the next few days.
This is also kind of a big year for me because this is the first year since having kids that I don't have any at home all day. Piper went into the first grade. Since I have a little more free time, I decided to start some classes through LDS business college in Social Media Marketing. I'm hoping after finishing I'll able to be able to get a part time job in PR/Marketing somewhere or I'll be able to do freelance work for clients who want help with marketing. I'm pretty excited about it!
Also this week Piper went in for a scope to try to figure out her health issues. She has constant stomach aches and acid reflux. The Dr. thought it was reflux disease but wanted to take a closer look because the acid blocker medicine didn't seem to be helping. What they found on the biopsy appears to be Celiac Disease. I'm kind of still in shock about it and slightly terrified, but we'll know more for sure in a couple days.
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