Monday, March 8, 2021

Deacon turns TEN

 Things were in FULL lockdown when Deacon turned 10, so we celebrated by ourselves at home. We didn't even have the Colletts over, which is the first time we haven't done birthdays together since they moved here. This was just right when NO ONE was getting together. Deacon's a homebody, so this was fine! 😂

  However when numbers started to go back down Mid June, we decided to take him and a few friends to Wahooz for some fun. We took Hudson, Jeremiah and Ryder (and Piper) and had a little fun!

Deacon at 10:

He is fiercely loyal! He loves his friends and would do anything for them. He likes things to be fair, just and rule abiding!

He loves video games (I think he always will.) He loves his Switch, Mario, Minecraft and watching YouTube videos about all those things!

He loves riddles and jokes and memorizing (and re-telling) facts and trivia.

He and Piper like sleeping together, so during quarantine we moved his bed into Piper's room.

He loves the cats!

He likes tennis and climbing on rocks!

He does not like being away from home for too long, getting his picture taken, riding his bike, risky behavior and rule breakers.

He's our most sensitive member of the family who loves everyone so much and is a big snuggle bug.

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