This post has nothing to do with Thrifty Car Rental. :) It's just something cheesy I like to say when I sound like I'm randomly endorsing a product.
Like the other day I went off on Aaron about Clorox anywhere spray.. how you can use it on anything, around food, the baby and how I love the smell. Then I put up my thumb and said "Thrifty Car Worked for me!"... Lynzi will get it.
Sometimes I also like to say "I'd like to bear my testimony, I know Clorox anywhere spray is true".. or whatever I'm loving that day... Mormons will get it.
Here's stuff I love recently:
Chocolate Almond milk- It's made from almonds! "nuts, huh!"
I always bear my Proactiv-amony. You and me, Jessica Simpson.
Recently I bared my pre-paid legal-amony when I got cited for driving with a suspended license!! I had no idea, I swear. Hint: Change your address on your license when you move, it will save you the headache of having the "Doogie Howser" of Idaho State Police troopers almost arrest you. I swear, he was 12!
Redbox movie rentals
Sonic Diet Dr. Pepper with vanilla
Clairol Root touch-up. What can I say, I'm cheap. "No, honey, we're FRUGAL," said Aaron.
Peeps and Cabury eggs. (Hey, are Cadbury eggs smaller than they used to be??)