This boy is 7!
Poor Deacon's birthday got a bit overshadowed this year. Lynzi came into town to do a fundraiser for Tyson's EFY mission trip to Peru this summer and I was babysitting her kids the night of Deacon's birthday. So we had pizza and ice cream cake and a promise of going to Wahooz that weekend! (Which we did and we all had fun!) You'll have to trust me on that because I didn't actually get any pictures of Deacon there. He's the kind of kid that when we go to a place like that will go off and have an adventure without needing anyone to watch him. He can have fun totally by himself. He wanted to go on the "XD Dark Ride" but no one else did so he waited in line by himself for 15 minutes and then did it all alone! He's just totally like that!
Deacon has totally hit a stubborn phase. This is him NOT wanting to get Easter pictures taken. For the longest time, he would just go along with what everyone else said and just do as he was told but lately, if he doesn't agree or doesn't want to do it, you better WATCH OUT. He'll never get mean or violent just completely stubborn. One day he decided he didn't want to go to school. It took the secretary, the teacher and finally the school counselor to convince him to finally go inside. It was horrible! So the next time I decided I'd tell him he could either stay home and stare at the wall ALL DAY or go to school. Well, he stared at the wall ALL DAY. We took a break when I decided making him do school papers was a better route but he was happy as a clam, so we went back to the wall. He finally broke down at 3:15! It was nuts!
But he really is such a happy sweetheart kid. He's a homebody though. While Piper is up for anything, Deacon pretty much wants to stay home and play with friends or play electronics or games. We forced him to take a ski lesson this winter and he wasn't happy about it but in the end admitted he liked it. He also likes going to tumbling classes at the gym when I can get him there!
He's still a smart little cookie! I sure love this boy!
Not wanting to take his ski lesson....
He's a bit of a mamma's boy and I love it!